The Reward of Focus

I excel at multi-tasking. I make necessary phone calls while doing meal prep in the kitchen. If I’m on hold with the insurance company, I start a load of laundry in the garage and then do another household chore while keeping the phone close by. I read email while blow dying my hair and listen to podcasts while exercising or doing the dishes. I plan out the day and make my mental “to do” list while I shower in the morning. Productivity is elevated as a goal in our culture. We push to see how much we can fit in each day; how much we can get done. We strive for balance between all the demands on us in all our various roles. Often this means that we are doing more than one thing at a time and usually feel “behind”. I have been proud of all that I can do in any given day or week. My life is full of good things; I am a wife, a mom of four boys, I co-pastor a church. I am a writer, a friend, a mentor and influenc...