
Promise is a place in my heart where I am free

Free to dream and run without fear or inhibitions


Promise is a wide-open field

No obstacles or limitations

Together we dance there

We twirl and leap with wild abandon

No evaluation -  no weighty decisions

No watching or waiting

Movement set free by innocence and the confidence of being loved

Promise is a field I dance in


Promise is a deep pool of still cool water

Clear and unclouded

Together we dive in

We explore the depths and float on the gentle waves

No fears lurk beneath the surface

No effort or depletion

I rest suspended by the depths of your heart for me

Promise is a pool I dive in


Promise is a whisper, faint beneath the noise

Strong but still and small

Together we listen - expecting to hear

Wonder and beauty more than I can imagine

No darkness or hint of doom

A whisper like a mighty wind

My soul soars as I listen to possibilities, abilities, power and wonder

Promise is a whisper, I listen and hear


Promise is not far off

It is not difficult to arrive

Promise is a choice – an invitation

I stop my efforts, my striving and ability

I remember you - My spirit comes alive

I rest into you, my promise

This place where I am free to run, to hear, to soar and soak

Promise is a place I find

The place where I will rest


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