
    Is strength infusing me in places of weakness, enabling me to do what I knew I could not
    Is divine wisdom, like a light leading the way through the dark and tangled web
    Is asking, waiting and believing that my plea for help is heard and lovingly answered by a good and         faithful Father
    Is lavish, better than I dream of or can ask for, surely far exceeding what I deserve, even on my best         of days
    Comes towards me. It does not rise up from within, for the origin of grace is God
I may mine the depths of my courage, my resolve
I may rely on my understanding, pull on all I have learned and gained
But grace?
    Grace exceeds all I have within me
    All that is offered in support by others
Grace is super-natural
    Raw power unleashed in love
The grace I receive does not start with me
But Grace is MINE
I have received it!
        Love and help
It is not merely an idea, something I wish and wait for
Grace is how I move, speak, write and live
    Grace is offered, extended and received
    Grace in unending
    Truly amazing
Grace received becomes your own
    Divine power added to your possibility and suddenly
    What is possible – in you, for you, through you
    Has taken flight and exceeded your wildest dreams
I know, because I have received grace

Amazing Grace!


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