God Talks to Himself?! The Foundation for Prayer

Prayer is communication with God. We pray to God because we believe that He hears our prayers and cares about them. Communication with God is based on faith and trust. Our faith gives us access to what we believe is available to us in God. We trust in His love and willingness to act on our prayers. When we talk about prayer, more often than not, we speak of people praying to God; talking to Him with faith that He listens, cares and will respond in some way. But prayer also includes listening. We believe that prayer is a dialogue and that we can also hear God’s voice speaking to us. Prayer, as it is most frequently talked about, is a human activity. But there are scriptures that show that prayer is part of God’s activity as well. God prays?! Why? To whom? In Romans chapter 8, Paul speaks of how the Holy Spirit helps us when we do not know how to pray. Paul says in verse 26 that the Holy Spirit intercedes for us. The Holy Spirit prays for you and I?! In the second part o...