From Unbelief – Straight into Hope



Unknowns shout
Questions taunt me
Like you, I have felt the looming darkness
Fears pursue
Disappointments pile around me
Where can I go from here?
Facing faith, I too hear the demand
What if it isn’t true?
My doubts have made themselves so loud
My unbelief demands my faith to answer
When did my faith become so quiet?
Where has my boldness gone?
I confess my disappointment
I repent of my unbelief
But then I run as hard and fast as I can
Straight into hope
Anything is possible with God
I may not understand
There is much I surely don’t
But I have seen enough to be convinced
I am not deciding
I have already decided
I have weathered disappointment
Crying out my sorrow and confusion
My questions and doubts nearly tore me in two
But there beneath them was a remnant of faith
Small and tenuous - far from perfect
Perhaps it is not enough…
But how it grew –
The day I stood and shouted
“I have already decided!”
I will not wait and wonder
There is no room for “if”
I have seen enough to believe
And I will feed the surge of faith within me
I am convinced and becoming more so
I have seen enough to be convinced
I am not deciding
I have already decided


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