Speak to Me
Your words are life
Speak to me
- That I might live
I hunger for your words to me
You reveal what is stirring in the depths of me
Sometimes I cannot discern my own heart
Your words calm the storm and restore me to peace
Your words expose my motives, my fears and my longings
This revelation lights my path forward
Hope and Courage are released by the words you speak
Reminding me of who I am
Your words bring freedom
Transforming the death and darkness inside of me
Life, growth and promise grow up from the seeds of your words
I plant them in the quiet, cool depths of my heart
I will wait with hope
For your words grow up from within me
Wisdom and strategy develop and bloom
I find that I am thriving
And yet still hungry for your words
Your words are life
Speak to me
- That I might live
Speak to me
- That I might live
You reveal what is stirring in the depths of me
Sometimes I cannot discern my own heart
Your words calm the storm and restore me to peace
Your words expose my motives, my fears and my longings
Hope and Courage are released by the words you speak
Reminding me of who I am
Transforming the death and darkness inside of me
Life, growth and promise grow up from the seeds of your words
I plant them in the quiet, cool depths of my heart
For your words grow up from within me
Wisdom and strategy develop and bloom
I find that I am thriving
And yet still hungry for your words
Speak to me
- That I might live
Yes, He brings the light of His Words and lovingly exposes what is the dark. His love is impeccable 🔥