
Showing posts from February, 2025

Levels of Healing - ? -

  I have recently gained new understanding of the process of healing from emotional wounding. I am passionate about the ability we all have to heal from trauma and deep pain. We need not be limited and defined by it forever. I have found that the process of healing is intentional and not merely a matter of time or “moving on”. To heal one must face the betrayal, trauma event or relationship that caused the pain and walk through the process of identifying the impact it had on them. One must grieve and be comforted. Often working through anger and disappointment is required in order to forgive and come to a place of peace. I have found that it is possible to experience freedom from the anger, shame and deep sorrow that is often the result of trauma or deep emotional wounding. I have experienced my own journey of healing from physical and sexual abuse. I have also worked through relational tensions, betrayal and loss. In all these journeys I have experienced a kind of process that i...

1Peter 4:8 - How So?

  Love is a powerful agent of change. Love comforts. Love heals. Love brings hope. Love strengthens and perseveres. Words of love calm and bring peace. 1Peter 4:8 says this of love; “Above all, keep fervent in your love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins.” Peter is writing about relationships within community. Earlier in his letter, Peter was writing about Jesus as the ultimate expression of love and how He is our example of how to love one another. He writes about the messiness of a faith community living in the midst of others who do not share the same values. It is in this context that he exhorts his reader to love one another fervently. Giving them the challenge of verse 4:8. How does love cover sin?...even a multitude of sin!? Peter has written about Jesus earlier and he will again in the verses that follow. But here in verse 8, he is definitely addressing inter-personal relationships. I think Peter says this because love is messy betwe...

Words of Love

  I don’t just love you   I like you I enjoy you You thrill me   My heart leaps My face light up My spirit smiles   At the sight of you   I am not weighing the good and the bad I am not measuring you or keeping track My evaluation is already completed   Approved   -   Accepted   -   Loved   I see all that you are   Welcomed   -   Celebrated   -   Embraced   As I consider you, I am   Hopeful   -   Joyful   -   Full of love and promise   I would say these words to my children. My feelings may not agree with the truth of these words every minute of each day – I get frustrated, annoyed, angry and hurt just like every one else. But they are still true! Even when I am hurt by or angry at one of my sons, I still love them fiercely. I am not a perfect parent and I don’t expect perfection from my children. I aim to keep my love for...


  A Promise is only as good as the keeper Speak O promise keeper Light my Way I will follow the sound of hope Whispers of love Remind me of the connection You to me I am never alone Cannot stray too far Love holds me Hope calls My heart hears My spirit tunes its ear Speak your promises Lights strung along the path And I am walking with you Unafraid – I am trusting Confident – I am loved Shinning bright O Path of Promise I am on my Way!