Words of Love
I enjoy you
You thrill me
My face light up
My spirit smiles
I am not measuring you or keeping track
My evaluation is already completed
I would say these words to
my children. My feelings may not agree with the truth of these words every
minute of each day – I get frustrated, annoyed, angry and hurt just like every
one else. But they are still true! Even when I am hurt by or angry at one of my
sons, I still love them fiercely. I am not a perfect parent and I don’t expect
perfection from my children. I aim to keep my love for them unconditional, to
love with expectation that we are growing stronger and closer.
I believe these words show
how God loves us. God is a perfect Father. I believe these words are true from
God to each and every one of us. I find that religion has perverted the truth
of the gospel into a relationship of earning and performance. That is a
perversion indeed! We are not performing for love! We could never earn what God
has freely given us. His love is not conditional on our behavior or even our
motive. He loves us unconditionally. When we receive Jesus by faith, we are
made new and the Father sees us through the redemption of Jesus. God’s love is
always “on” towards us. His love is cheerful and full of joy, promise and HOPE!
These are the words of
love I hear from a good and faithful God to each and every one of His children.
I believe it is important that we hear
them! As much as we need to speak the
truth of love to those we are close to, we also desperately need to hear them!
Rest in the truth that YOU
are loved!