
Showing posts from August, 2013

Peace Greater than Understanding - a confession

I wrote this on Saturday August 24 th while sitting in my son’s hospital room. One week ago I was craving understanding.   Our middle son, who is 6 years old, was facing some unanswered questions of a serious medical nature.   I prayed, listened for wisdom and perspective from God.   I was desperate for understanding! I didn’t get a word from God about the specific issues we were facing with our son.   I didn’t hear specific assurances about his future health or this current “threat”.   I did hear words about him as a person:  How courageous he is.   How God was adding courage to him and calling him to be stronger and bolder.   I was only mildly interested in this; it scared me to be honest.   Why did he need more courage?   What was going to happen that would require such an increase in courage? And I heard Philippians 4:7.   The context is about how God is near and we are to be anxious for nothing, but rather to bring thanksgiving and requests to God.   Then comes verse 7

Fear, Courage & Redwood Trees

Last month my family went camping in the redwoods near the Eel River in Humboldt County.   As we took our 3 boys for “hikes” and adventures in the forest, they were amazed at the size of the Redwood trees.   They loved finding ones that had been burned out so that they could crawl or even stand inside of them.   Our youngest son, 3 years old , was delighted with the “tunnel tree” that was just perfect for him to walk through.   T he eldest at 8 years old, was occupied with finding the best walking stick and climbing on the fallen trees.   Our  middle son, who has since the trip turned 6, was more quiet and observing during our walks.   One day at lunch he said a curious thing ; “I love how God made the redwood trees so fearless!   They aren’t afraid of anything!”   As I questioned him he revealed how they were not afraid of fire, of being partially burned up, or of growing so tall.   These were just obvious observations to him.   We had an interesting conversation about amazing tre

"Pocket Change": the purpose of this blog

This is my new adventure...starting a blog.  It is a way to begin writing in the midst of my busy life.  Writing has been a secret dream of mine for as long as I can remember.  Recently it has become much less of a secret, as God has exposed that dream through prophetic words and encouraged me to take my dream and myself more seriously.  You can't just sit down and start writing your first book, can you?!  Well I can't, although Phil has encouraged me to do just that on multiple occasions.  This is my step of obedience, my risk....just to start.  To write my thoughts, revelations and insights.  To practice and see what happens.  I was going to name the blog "Pocket Change" because that's the title that first came to mind when I received yet another prophetic word about writing from my dear friend and pastor.  In the past the words have felt so big and far it was a view into my distant future....lofty and ambitious, yet thrilling.  But it has been im