"Pocket Change": the purpose of this blog

This is my new adventure...starting a blog.  It is a way to begin writing in the midst of my busy life.  Writing has been a secret dream of mine for as long as I can remember.  Recently it has become much less of a secret, as God has exposed that dream through prophetic words and encouraged me to take my dream and myself more seriously.  You can't just sit down and start writing your first book, can you?!  Well I can't, although Phil has encouraged me to do just that on multiple occasions.  This is my step of obedience, my risk....just to start.  To write my thoughts, revelations and insights.  To practice and see what happens. 

I was going to name the blog "Pocket Change" because that's the title that first came to mind when I received yet another prophetic word about writing from my dear friend and pastor.  In the past the words have felt so big and far away....like it was a view into my distant future....lofty and ambitious, yet thrilling.  But it has been impossible to know how to act on these prophetic words and on my dream of writing as a way of influencing others.  This time when the Holy Spirit brought the word about writing and starting a blog it felt like a "now" word and while I know NOTHING about blogging, it felt like a risk to take.  The risk is not so much learning how to create the blog and finding the time to actually DO it....the real risk is in sitting a writing and believing that it will matter and producing something of value.  But as the weeks have past, I feel increasingly sure that I am to do this and I'm excited to see what becomes of it...in me and in those who "follow my blog".

And now I'll explain "Pocket Change"!  I see this blog adventure as a way for me to practice articulating the thoughts and revelations that the Holy Spirit gives me that I carry around daily and muse over throughout the routines of life.  I believe that for each of us, it is these "little truths" and insights that shape our mindsets and ways of thinking.  As we submit our mindsets to God, we are continually transformed and filled with the abundant life God intends for us.

My paternal grandfather, Papa Tom (as I called him), always had a handful of change in his pocket.  He often had his hand in there, rattling it around.  My grandma used to have to remind him to stop during church or in the midst of a conversation with someone....she hated the noise of the coins clinking together.  But in with all the change he always had this little silver cross.  It had some inscription on it, "Jesus Saves" I think.  I remember asking him once why he always carried it with him.  He told me it was just a reminder to him of what he carried inside of himself and it reminded him to share and talk with others about the love he had found in Jesus.  My grandpa was a simple man, a farmer and rancher.  I don't think he finished high school, but he was one of the wisest men I've ever known.  His wisdom was highly regarded in his community; what he "carried" was of great value, even though it was not on display in any dramatic way.  The truths and experiences that formed his life made a big impact on the lives of others as he shared them and God used him in mighty ways to impact his community.

I believe I am called to impact the spiritual thought structures of my community.  I want stop waiting for the things God has spoken about my life to happen and begin instead, to activate them now.  I want to be faithful to share the words, insights and revelations He has given me with others.  I believe that these will be little truths that will bring transformation in my life and in the lives of others.  This is my step of obedience and activation as a writer.  I will open up a part of my heart and dream to you, my reader, and together we will see what God does.  Certainly it will be good, as He is always good!


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