"Restored Innocence" - Available Now!


"I believe that there is no wound so deep that it cannot be healed by God's love and tender comfort.  I believe that the transforming power of Jesus bring beauty, peace and lasting joy from even the most painful places in our lives." 
I wrote this book over the course of the past 5 years, in the midst of pastoring a church and raising my 4 sons.  I wrote it because I believe my journey of healing from sexual abuse, and all that I've learned along the way will be transformational for all who read it.  This book weaves together scripture study, personal testimonies and reflection questions to address the tough questions that bring healing and freedom.  This book is written for those who have survived a traumatic loss of innocence, or for those who are supporting loved ones on their journey of healing from abuse. 
Innocence is lost is countless ways, both big and small throughout our lives.  I believe that innocence can be restored!  A loss of innocence often causes shame, fear, depression and anxiety.  This book explores the steps that lead to healing and wholeness. Restoration of innocence allows for trust to be rebuilt in places of betrayal and disappointment.  Beauty and strength CAN come from places of trauma and sorrow.

Journey into the narrative of scripture, intertwined with my candid reflections from my own experience to discover the path to your own "Restored Innocence".

Restored Innocence is now available on amazon.com



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