The loss of your friendship is no small thing
My heart remembers you and still I love you
In me there is a vacancy - the perfect shape of you
    I have built a bridge to you

Love is a risk – to give and receive
Love makes you vulnerable to be hurt
We opened our hearts to one another
Shared life – joy and pain alike
Now the absence of you is painful to bear

When hurt and questions get loud inside my mind
I return on my knees to the bridge
I remember the times we laughed and cried together
I rehearse the journey we shared – how you walked with me and I with you
We shared strength and faith
Walked together in joy and sorrow

I remember what I know to be true of you
I choose to let this truth rise up above the pain of losing you
Questions and things I don’t understand
The details that caused this separation
I refuse to build a wall of my pain and my confusion
    Instead - I build my bridge

There is strength in all that we have shared
I remember it until I feel it
I pray for you and bless you
I remember all that is in my heart for you and for your future
I honor you and speak well of you
    This is how I build my bridge

I stand on it in hope
Love is worth the risk – how great is the reward
You have brought a wealth into my life
And I will not forget the joy of you

My eyes scan the horizon for you
I pray for a time when our lives will join once more
I keep my heart tender and open
    I stand on the bridge from my heart
    I hope to walk with you once more


  1. This is so powerful and so very beautiful, I feel this for you and also for myself. In awe dear lady

  2. Beautiful❤🙏

    1. The Jordan is "death" the "bridge" is reconciliation.


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