Imagine holding a promise in the cupped palms of your hands. A precious promise that your nurture with hope. The worth of a promise is determined by the degree of trust and value you have for the one who made the promise. The promise is yours, held in your hands, but it is connected to the one who gave it.

Without the connection to the one who made the promise, you hold only a wish…

A promise is so much greater than a wish!

If you are convinced that the one who made the promise is willing and able to keep it and deliver on it, then the promise is of great value. A guarantee!

A promise is both given and received. It is a party of two or more.

A wish starts with us and is not attached to anything greater. We are alone to make our wishes come true. But a promise comes towards us from someone else and it is their ability that determines the outcome, as long as we receive the promise.  A promise given, but left unreceived, is a good intention.

There are many promises in the Bible. I believe they are true for everyone. But not everyone has received them. Much of God’s good will has yet been unreceived.

A promise must be received with faith and nurtured with hope. A promise without faith in the one who gave it is meaningless.

What promises are you holding?

Remember the one who gave the promise; their ability, willingness and intention.

Nurture the promises you are waiting to see fulfilled with hope.

Hope is our part. Wait with hope!


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