Choked by Rules – Set Free by Love


Mistakes and failings are hidden, covered and fiercely protected.  Exposure creates liability, the possibility of rejection far greater than that of acceptance. It is better to hide behind the façade, to reinforce the image and earn all that can be gained.  Worth, after all, is in titles, roles, abilities and talents; “you are what you do”. Performance is key and the pressure is on to keep going, press on, keep advancing and achieving. Rewards are earned, success is compensated.  Even rest is by merit; you must have earned it!

This is the voice of rules, of performance and religion. It chokes the spirit and kills the soul. Leaving a sterile and capable adherence to rules and performance of duty. Lifeless and dull we press on.

Love speaks a better word. Love is offered, not earned; with only one  condition. Love must be received.  Love touches the mistakes hidden deep beneath the effort. The failings fiercely guarded. Love calls you by your name, not by the roles you fill.  You are more than the sum total of what you’ve done and what’s been done to you. You are more than what you are capable of. Love sees the secret dreams, hears the whispered fears and calls them to safe expression. In love you have been pre-approved, acceptance guaranteed in advance. A big yes is written over you.

But it must be received!

When received love touches the scars of performance and the rigor of rule keeping, rulemaking, the ever-increasing demand of maintaining identity. Tenderly, thoroughly, love eases the tension of striving, bringing rest to the fear of falling short. Love brings deep peace that is enjoyed, not earned.  In rest there is energy so different than that of striving. You find yourself being pulled into who you’ve always hoped you would be. Love has set you free from the pressure to do and perform; love has set you into a freedom to become. You may do the same things, fill the same roles, but you are different within them. Not hidden or afraid, there is an increasing boldness to express and create, to learn and grow and try. Weaknesses are no longer so threatening, certainly not something to fear or hide. When exposed to love, the sting of weakness is removed and the call to growth is heard.

Love looks to the past and heals. Love renames and embraces growth, so that what could have meant destruction is turned to strength and life. Love accepts and accompanies your growth and advancement, without the pressure of performance; love gives strength. Love gives courage and calls you into your future. 

Love hopes and believes in a brighter day that is coming, and yet is already yours.


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