
     Perseverance is like a tree growing in the narrow crevice of a granite bolder. Without lavish space to spread its roots, or adequate soil to draw in nutrients. Is it enough? No. It really is not enough. Except that the seed has planted here and its purpose is to live. And live it will - It is a tree after all! It will not wait for perfect conditions or generous resources. It will thrive here, where it is planted! With branches and leaves it will live and grow and thrive -  It will produce and drop its seed. 

Perseverance is Rewarded!

        Perseverance is determined.  It says, “No! I will not be stopped!” The conditions may not be perfect, but perseverance finds a way.

        Perseverance is fierce. No matter how loud the opposition, it shouts, “There is more! There is more for me!”

        Because perseverance is personal. The one who perseveres through hardship knows their own worth and will not bow to the estimation of those who oppose them. “I am worth this fight!”

          Perseverance is honest too. “I am weary” or “Perhaps I am outmatched”                 

Perseverance is humble, “I know that I’m not perfect”
But perseverance keeps pushing forward, never giving back the ground it has gained. “The odds may be against me. I may be tired, but I will not give up or give in – I am in it to the end!”
        Perseverance is determined to prevail. Life perseveres.  It is not passive or waiting in wonder of what will happen.
        Perseverance LIVES, keeps pressing on.
        Perseverance finds a way, never stops, doesn’t give up, won’t give in.
Hoping, believing, pressing on, pushing through the obstacles.
        Perseverance shouts, “I will make it! I will not be overcome!”
Growing Changing Becoming
        Perseverance whispers, “ I am worth this fight”
The perseverant one learns, changes, and finds a way. “I will overcome!”
        Perseverance builds strength, resolve and faith.
Wisdom, character and confidence are its fruit.
        Perseverance holds on to each lesson learned, gaining boldness, building momentum, “My effort will be rewarded!”


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