Progress vs. Completion

We have become accustomed to process. Healing, growth, change; these things take time. Progress is made step-by-step. We are taught to celebrate progress, not wait for completion or perfection. When we are overwhelmed by how much remains to be accomplished or changed, we are encouraged by looking aback on how far we have come. Transformation, restoration, redemption; all of these are processes, they take time. Scripture is full of promise and encouragement for process. But process is not the only way changes are realized. There are “suddenlies” in scripture too! There are times when God brought about dramatic change in a moment of time, when Jesus healed or delivered in an instant. This is one of the many places where there is tension in scripture. There are ideas, values and truths that seem to be in contradiction. Consider the tension between these verses: For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day...