Sacrifice of Sorrow

I stir up the flames of my faith
Burn bright and hot again
    All things are possible with you
    Your power is enough
    Unmatched and endless
I invite the wind of truth to blow
Ignite the embers – bring back the flames of fire
        You are faithful
        Your goodness shines
        Your kindness knows no end
On this fire of my faith
I heap my sorrow and disappointments
        I believed that you would heal her - But instead you called her home
        The addict is still bound in chains
        Childless couples long for babies born
        The tumor stubbornly remains
        Chronic pain that won’t back down
I believed that you would intervene – change the outcome by your name
    Depression – Anxiety – Cancer & Pain
Fire of Faith
Winds of Truth
        Burn up my questions
        Overwhelm my disappointment
        Consume my anger
Let these be fuel on the fire of my faith
    For I want to grow stronger, burn brighter
Oh that my anguish would be extinguished by my faith
    For I trust you
        I do not understand – nor am I happy
        My heart bleeds -  my soul rages
And yet I trust you – I want my faith to grow
    I will pray again – May it be with more boldness and with a higher hope
        Let my doubts be the offering –  Atop the fire of my faith
        I sacrifice what I wanted, prayed for, believed you would do
I trust you
        Even when I want to run away in anger and confusion
        I choose to trust you – I run to you instead
My questions become my sacrifice
Let faith overwhelm them – turn it all to smoke and ash
        I will pray again
        I fuel my faith 
The stakes are high – friends, my family, church and nation
    Our dear son, myself and you
I stir up the flames of my faith
Burn bright and hot again
        All things are possible with you
        Your power is enough
        Unmatched and endless
I invite the wind of truth to blow
Ignite the embers – bring back the flames of fire
        You are faithful
        Your goodness shines
        Your kindness knows no end
On this fire of my faith
    I heap my sorrow and disappointments

Faith consumes it all


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