Field of Victory

You are gaining ground. Your choices are paying off and you are gaining momentum. The borders of your victory are increasing on all sides. You are gaining ground!

Truth is a light shining in the darkness. Unintimidated and pushing back the border of darkness, light is ever-increasing. Darkness is extinguished, the landscape is changed. Light defines the darkness, not the other way around. Light expands, fills the dark places, causing the shadows to flee. Light conquers, no trace of darkness remaining.

Hope is a similar force. You access hope in the midst of despair and transformation begins. Hope is hungry, expanding its borders as it overwhelms the sorrow, questions, and fears. Hope brings the color and light of possibility and promise. Hope is changing the landscape of your life and you are gaining ground.

Faith too is like a fire, lit in an open field. It grows, expands, consuming the doubt and uncertainty that has grown wild. The intensity of faith increases as it burns. Being fed by truth, it dispels lies with its bright light. Impossibilities, no match for the force of faith, are overcome and demolished.

Faith, Hope, Truth – these are lights that guide you, burning away the darkness and dispelling the shadows in your life. You are on fire! You will not be stopped. You are gaining speed, taking ground and increasing the expanse of your victory 

Battles are being won. Your fears are laid down, trampled by your declarations of truth. Hope is setting its course in you and you are changing the landscape of your heart, life and future. Look back and enjoy how far you’ve come, all that has been transformed; the land you’ve already taken. But Keep On! Take courage for what remains, it too will be consumed by light! 

You will have your field of victory, extending out before and behind you, lit with the light of promise.  You will not be stopped!

-        Lisa Smith


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