Faith & Courage


Courage is mine and so is faith. They are alive and personal, burning from within. Both have roots in my past, in my experience, belief and understanding. But both extend into my future where I cannot yet know or fully understand. They are at once both mystical and solid. Courage and Faith are sure and steadfast enough to stand on, but yet also misty, transparent and unable to touch or hold. They are difficult to define.

Courage is grounded in all I’ve conquered; the risks taken, rewarded and enjoyed. Courage builds, gains speed and strength from the past and moves me into my future. Courage shines light and hope on the challenges that I now face.

Faith has a history in past victories, but it is anchored in my future. Faith is a rope I hold and cling to. Faith is mine, but faith in not inside of me like courage is inside of me. My faith is in God and I hold it like a rope because all I need flows through that connection. Faith calls me into my future. Faith whispers to me of what I cannot yet fully know, but rather only glimpse. Faith moves me into growth, into the greater and better future that I cannot yet touch. Faith brings strength back to where I stand and dares me to believe that I can, and that I will; that I am worth this good future. Faith speaks a higher truth than where my feet stand and lights the next step before me.

Courage is required and it burns inside of me. Faith leads me, a glowing light that I reach for. But courage is how I move. Courage is required to access what faith allows me to see; to believe that I can and will. Courage is fuel that keeps me going when I’m not sure that I have what it takes.

Faith requires courage. Courage is ignited by faith. I steward courage within me and reach with faith towards a source greater than myself. The resulting combination is explosive and powerful, changing the landscape of my life.


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