This Is Faith!

I lay down doubt and questions
I stand on what I have believed
I pick up your promises again
And draw my strength from them

I lay down worry and fear
I stand up tall as one who is loved
I put on peace and belonging
And remember whose I am

I lay down disappointment and sorrow
I remember all you’ve healed and restored
I stir up the hope inside me
And feel it alive and growing
        Surrender and Remember
        Rest and Belonging
        Hope and Wonder
        This is faith

I chose rest over striving
Laying down my self-reliance
I lean into what I believe
And allow wonder to color the skies of my future
        Surrender and remember
        Rest and Belonging
        Hope and Wonder
        This is faith

I don’t have to know all the answers
Don’t have to figure it all out
I am not on my own in the midst of what surrounds me
        Surrender and Remember
        Rest and Belonging
        Hope and Wonder

        Faith is my choice
My response to doubts and sorrow
An anchor in the stormy waves

In faith I stand secure


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