
Showing posts from November, 2022

I see you

  I see you Even the places where you hide from others The loneliness and sorrow you have tucked away Behind your determined smile – Beneath your hopeful words I see your disappointments I hear the questions that rise up from their loss I hear your secret longings and the places of wondering how it might have been I see you and I know you I see how you keep trusting and moving Even when you are afraid, unsure and feeling small I see you hoping and finding the smallest joys I see your effort – Your persistent determination But I also see your weariness - the fear that lurks below I see you   -   I know you I know you feel alone It is understanding that you desire most To be listened to carefully To be remembered and thought of in the details Surprised by compassion – Celebrated with joy You too are worth the time taken, the choice to slow down You are worth the words spoken, repeated again, and even again You are treasured and valued, known as y

"Onion Analogy” - My Version

The “onion analogy” has long been used in various counseling applications.  With its many layers, the onion symbolizes the journey towards healing and wholeness.   You work through one layer and discover another.   The “peeling back of layers” has been used to describe the process of discovering one’s true identity and the roots of various issues that a person deals with.   As you go deeper in discovery, one layer at a time, you find and deal with the source or deeper reason for reactions, behaviors, feelings, etc. As a survivor of trauma and sexual abuse, who has seen various kinds of counselors over the years, I have heard about “the onion”.   I understand the picture and its purpose, but honestly, I have despised the onion analogy!   From the first time I heard it and every time for years following, it was depressing and defeating.   To me it sounded like a torture sentence:   the forecast of my future is layer after layer of working through pain and the effects of trauma.   Once so

What I'm Looking For

I have heard it said – And honestly, I’ve found it true You find what you are looking for   Problems, Frustrations, Countless reasons to worry Never hiding; they are easy to find! Grounds for anger, Hurt feelings, Sadness, even Depression Any day – Everyday – even several times a day   But if you try, you will find Beauty is just as easy to see Look for smiles, Listen for laughter, Feel the warmth of the sun on your face Watch for kindness, Compassion, a Word of wisdom Courage, Joy, Love and Wonder When you’re looking – You will see them Any day – Everyday – even several times a day   Me – I’m looking for joy and flowers – for love and laughing children I’m looking for kind words softly spoken, the tenderness of a friend For old dreams coming true, New dreams born on the wind of promises I hold dear I’m looking for growth to celebrate, reasons to hope For healing and new life Any day – Everyday – even several times a day   I am finding the joy, I’m looking for!