I see you


I see you

Even the places where you hide from others

The loneliness and sorrow you have tucked away

Behind your determined smile – Beneath your hopeful words

I see your disappointments

I hear the questions that rise up from their loss

I hear your secret longings and the places of wondering how it might have been

I see you and I know you

I see how you keep trusting and moving

Even when you are afraid, unsure and feeling small

I see you hoping and finding the smallest joys

I see your effort – Your persistent determination

But I also see your weariness - the fear that lurks below

I see you  -  I know you

I know you feel alone

It is understanding that you desire most

To be listened to carefully

To be remembered and thought of in the details

Surprised by compassion – Celebrated with joy

You too are worth the time taken, the choice to slow down

You are worth the words spoken, repeated again, and even again

You are treasured and valued, known as you are

Your actions do not go unnoticed  - even when it seems they are

But more than your action - Your heart behind them I see with stunning pride

Your intention, the fierceness of your love

The desire to understand and walk closely alongside

I see you  -  I know you  -  I understand and love you

Just as you have loved, and pour yourself out

You are loved and seen  -  Known and understood -  Treasured -  Celebrated

You are not alone


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