Faith Mixed with Doubt

The presence of doubt does not disqualify your faith. The father of the demon-possessed boy in Mark chapter 9 had both faith and doubt. He had good reason to doubt the ability of Jesus to cleanse his son. After all, when the man brought his son to Jesus’ disciples, who had healed others, they were unable to help him. The disciples seemed baffled by their lack of success. The man then brings his son to Jesus and asks him if he is able to help. (see Mark 9:22) After asking how long the boy has been affected, Jesus turns the question back on the father. Jesus tells the man that all things are possible for anyone who believes. The man had questioned Jesus and His ability. These were the man’s words: “ But if You can do anything, take pity on us and help us!” (v.23) His words reveal his doubt; he asks Jesus to help IF He can. Jesus turns that back; “‘If You can?’ All things are possible to him...