
I have grown accustomed to faith
    A word for healing
    A promise tightly held
    A timely declaration that opens doors to freedom
Faced with the impossibility I turn my gaze towards heaven
I listen for strategy –  whispers of truth
Faith as been a strong current moving me forward
A force that leads from the place of need to the pool of refreshment
Where the very need is met – celebrated – enjoyed. 
    Fulfillment of faith
    Healing realized
    Promise fulfilled  
When reality matches the declaration and faith is no longer needed in that place –
    A space now filled with rejoicing
    An answer – a victory
Faith has broken through
Sometimes faith is not enough
When the journey of faith has gown long and wearisome
The river, once raging becomes a dry creek bed of rough rocks, fallen timbers,
A deep crevice – the sliver of water carving a path deep in the narrows of my soul
Where has my faith gone?  How is it that I am nearly dry?
    A brain tumor, addiction, infertility, cancer, bone-on-bone pain
    Blindness, depression, disease, chronic pain, the endless effects of trauma
These are boulders
Some are stones – not quite as big, but difficult all the same
    Sadness, sorrow, betrayal, injustice, fear, shame
Imposing boulders solid in my dry riverbed – where faith was once a raging river
I feel their weight upon my heart
Heavy – Immovable
Seldom am I without hope
It too is a river
    With a mighty source this river never runs dry
    The deeper I go, the stronger the current I feel
Hope moves me
Hope changes the landscape of my life
The water of hope brings life and growth
Hope is a rushing river
My constant in the midst of the changing tides of my faith
My faith ebbs and flows – it rises and falls
High on faith – I am bold in my prayers
    Believing for healing – miracles
    Justice – restoration
I listen to hear strategies –  answers
Faith is a current fueling my prayers
These refreshing times
    Pressing for more – feeling strong and sure
    High tide of faith! 
Faith – a mighty river flowing full and strong
But faith has its lows
The current retreats
I am exposed. 
My boldness quiets
I am without strategy – without answers
My creativity dries up – my boldness cracks and wearies
I feel stuck in the midst of dry boulders
Lonely  – unmoved
When faith recedes – I draw on hope
Hope – the river from a source far higher than I
My eyes set on this river – I move into its depths
I rest in hope –  it pools around my feet
No need to rush or worry
The current of hope comes to me as I enjoy it
I rest and trust
I wait and savor
Hope grows when I feed it
Increasing hope begins to touch the stones
It swirls around the boulders
They look smaller
I cannot move them
    The cancer, the tumor, the blind eye and chronic pain
    I cannot free the addiction, infertility, depression, trauma or sorrow
    I will not save the betrayed, lonely, fearful or abused
But hope
The current of hope will shape them
Bear their weight – soften their sharp edges
Hope gives me power to cover them
I focus on hope – I wait for faith
I trust the flow of the current
Believing and strength increases in me
The merging of two rivers
THIS is where I long to remain
    Uniting hope and faith
This meeting place of two great rivers
Hope’s refreshing current
    Alive with possibility – swirling with wonder
    Awash in hope my doubts are carried away
I am unhindered
Faith’s current returns to me the victories and miracles of my past
    Those I’ve witnessed and those I myself have lived
    It will happen again!
I listen to hope – yield myself and dare to believe again
I step into faith – I wade into the depths
God is my healer 
He is justice – redemption and restoration
He is provider –  protector and defender
    The force of hope collides with the power of faith
The boulders are moved and shaped
Raging currents soften edges – diminishing their imposing size
Boulders become stones – stones become the sand my feet are anchored in
Awash in combined power
    My prayers are a force of change – unleashed – unfettered
Nothing  remains immovable


  1. This is beautiful, Lisa! You have an amazing way of expressions! Thank you God for, Faith and Hope❤🙏

    1. Yes! Where would we be without Faith and Hope?!! We praise God for His provision. Thank you for sharing your thoughts after reading, it encourages me that my words are blessing others. I send blessing and love to you!

    2. It will happen again!!


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