
Sometimes there are no answers
Words are too small anyway – a waste
I just want to go and sit
Let my questions rest next to yours
Give room for the pain that cannot be spoken away
Words cannot satisfy the agony of your soul
I just want to come and sit by you
Let my nearness speak my love for you
Maybe we will cry
Or maybe the tears have dried up for now – spent and tired
Your broken, bleeding heart – faithfully beating
You won’t have to walk alone
You are loved – and there is time
Time for tears and time for questions
Time for stories and time for silence
Time for sorrow and time for anger
Sometimes our questions have no answers
I will come and sit by you


  1. So appropriate for where my heart is today! Love you Lisa

    1. I'm both glad and sad that you can relate... I pray that you receive comfort and that you are comforted as well in every place of sorrow. We certainly need companionship in difficult times. Thank you for reading and commenting on my blog.


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