
“The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.”
The feeling this statement inspires in my imagination is beautiful and full of life.  When we choose to give generously to others, we prosper in return.  The very idea of refreshing others is tender and wonderful. To think that we can intentionally be a place of refreshing to someone we care about is a gift, significant in itself, and yet there is the bonus benefit of being refreshed in the process. 
This statement is made in Proverbs 11:25 Here is the verse in a few different translations:
-        The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.  NLT
-        The generous man will be prosperous, And he who waters will himself be watered.  NASB
-        The one who blesses others is abundantly blessed; those who help others are helped. MSG
-        A soul who blesses will prosper, and one who gives water will himself be satisfied.  TLV
Oh, that we would be people who would live generously towards others!  The very choice to consider the needs or desires of someone else increases our awareness and compassion.  Considering how we may contribute to them reminds us both of their value and our own.  The joy of making a positive difference in the life of someone you value increases your own value and connects your heart to theirs even more.  The knowledge that your choice of generosity has contributed to the life of another is deeply rewarding.
Generosity speaks to so much more than finances.  We can give generously from our hearts with words, kindness, expressions of creativity and love.  The way we choose to invest time and energy can be generous when given intentionally to someone in a meaningful or sacrificial way.  Generosity increases our awareness and gratitude for both what we have to give as well as what we have received from the generosity of others.
Reflect on how you have been refreshed by others recently.  Consider how you can be generous in a way that brings refreshment to someone else today.


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