
I never welcome being afraid
        but neither do I fear it
I have lived through fear, through danger, threats of harm and pain that overwhelmed me
I have lived in panic, dread and terror

I look in my history and I see countless times of fear overcome
        determined relentless pursuit of survival and freedom
I see victories and overcoming
        Fear has never killed me

When I stand, now, looking back
        I can remember the painful racing pace of fear bursting in my chest
        The panic of uncertainty eating me alive from the inside out
        I can remember the dread of darkness overcoming me
But now it seems smaller, a dimly lit shadow
        What shines bright is the feeling of perseverance
        The thrill of love and victory

I have seen too much, lived through too much to remain afraid of fear

I do not welcome fear – but neither do I fear it

I face fear as an overcomer
        One seasoned in fighting for truth and experiencing victory
When I stand now, looking back
        I see how each fight against fear has added to my strength, increased my resolve
        I see that I have lived in and through what could have destroyed me
And now I dance, free and unafraid over the shadow of my former fear
        With courage as my defense, I face fear with boldness
        Looking towards the moment when I will overcome
Even when afraid; I anticipate the failing of my fear
The victory of love
        Resounding truth that ushers in freedom

I am not afraid of fear


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