YOU are Not the Feelings You Feel

 ·       You may feel lost, but that doesn’t mean that you are lost.

Just like feeling you are stuck doesn’t mean that you are stuck or that you will always be stuck.
·       Feeling Lonely doesn’t mean that you are alone.
Feelings change! And feelings are often exaggerated or completely false.  We often think of ourselves as powerless against our own feelings.  But you can change how you feel, if you choose to focus on something different or change your perspective.  Sometimes it takes a determined effort or decisive action to change how you feel.
·       Even when you make a mess, you are not a mess yourself!
·       Making a mistake doesn’t make you a mistake!
·       Just like failing doesn’t mean, you are a failure.
Being disappointed doesn’t make you a disappointment
You may feel weak, powerless or invisible – do you believe that you are these things? If you believe you are weak – you will stop trying to gain strength, to succeed or thrive!  But if you believe that you are getting stronger, that things are getting better and better – you will look for the evidence of that every day!  Chances are you will find what you are looking for!


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