Finding an Anchor

Recently my feelings have been going in all different directions at the same time. I am sad, excited, lonely and hopeful all at the same time.
  I have been awake at night with worry and fears, only to wake up feeling motivated and confident.  Honestly it has been exhausting!  I am accustomed to being a bit more “even”. 

I have been reminding myself of this truth: “I am not my feelings!”  I may be feeling something, but that feeling need not define WHO I am!  I find it helpful to first acknowledge the feeling, to actually name it, then identify the source or reason for the feeling.  Next, I determine if it is grounded in truth or in reaction.  I decide how I want to respond to the feeling.  I remind myself that I am not a victim to my own emotions!

I have needed to find an anchor to hold me steady in the midst of the waves and currents of changes, emotions and upheaval that I am experiencing. 
I learned from my sailor friend that an anchor’s job is not to hold a boat in one place.  That actually creates a more dangerous situation than a boat being untethered at all.  An anchor has the function of setting the limit of movement of the boat.  The anchor keeps the boat within a range of safety.  The length of the chain or rope limits how far from the anchor point the boat can get.
I find that I need an anchor.  I need to remember what my anchor is and that it is strong enough to keep me safe. An anchor brings stability and security.  I need that in the midst of my changing emotions and reactions to circumstances.
I have identified a few: 
    -        Peace is an anchor in my life.  I have this confident determined faith that says that I can find peace inside myself no matter what is swirling around me.  It is not always easy, but I can always find it. Peace that reminds me of what is true and unchanging. Peace that reminds me of who I am and what I believe. Peace that brings me hope and confidence to be calm in the midst of chaos.
    -        There are a few key relationships that are anchors for me. People who know me well, whom I trust and know will speak truth to me. I can share the raw things and know I will not be judged. After talking I know there will be new perspectives and wisdom gained. These anchors remind me that I am not alone or unequipped.
    -        Hope anchors me to my faith. I may experience discouragement, fear, anger or sorrow … but I can still feel hope calling me to return. I have found my way back to hope from the darkest places in the past and it has given me a boldness that I have come to trust and rely on.
I may feel like a small storm-tossed boat taking on water, but I remember that I am anchored and I decide to take my eyes off the waves long enough to feel that pull of the anchor inside of me. I remember that I am securely tethered and that these anchors keep me from getting too far off track.


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