
I find my rest in you

You cover me

All my rough edges

You fill me up

All dry and empty voids are filled with you

Peace that warms me with your love

For you are near

I am seen, known and understood

I choose to lean in and to trust you

I surrender to peace

You can hold what feels weighty to me

I will loosen my grip

I will trust you more than I trust my own strength


I let go to hold onto you

My peace – my daily companion

You journey with me

I rest in you so that all fear, any hiddenness is released


I am occupied by peace

Sure and true

Deep and heavy

I am sustained in peace


In peace I rise up

Secure, grounded and confident

I have placed my anchor in you

I have found a home


A place of place in which to dwell

A place from which to soar

Peace has given me wings 


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