Reflecting on 50 Years
for Life:
Make sure that YOU interpret your circumstances –
don’t let your circumstances interpret who you are
are never too old to learn and never too young to teach. Live like you are
always a student. Learn from the people around you, the circumstances, and what
you witness and hear.
“Busy” is a choice, an attitude – not a
function of time. I decided to stop saying “I’m busy” The truth is this: my life is full of good,
meaningful things, most of which I have chosen. I am not a victim of my life or
my schedule.
will find what you are looking for. Choose wisely.
The world has some things in the wrong order: Rest is not earned by work. It is much
healthier to rest first and rest well so that you can work, achieve, and
produce. Rest is a choice and should be prioritized.
have learned as much from the questions I have asked than from any answer I’ve
ever received.
Time – everyone has the same amount. How
you spend your time is your choice. Learn to say “no” so that when you say
“yes” you can be fully convinced and give it your all
is not made possible by excess resources. IF you are not generous with your
resources in lean times, you will not become generous when you have
more. Generosity is a value that is expressed regardless of amount or access to
9. Common and
normal are not the same thing. Just because something is common, doesn’t mean
it is normal! (examples: depression, cancer)
Thank you
Kris Vallotton
that Have Helped Me Heal:
10. Time does not
heal! Healing and comfort are a choice; intentional pursuits.
11. I am worth my
own best effort! If I don’t give myself my best, I’ll have nothing to give
those I love
12. Forgiveness is
powerful and has benefits that extend far beyond the issue/relationship where
hurt has occurred
13. Courage is not
the opposite of fear. Courage is a decision; a response made in the
presence of fear to continue and not be stopped by what could paralyze you.
14. I have learned
and grown more from adversity and challenges than times of ease
15. Emotions are like
a fire. You feel them, fuel them and they grow. Anger must be fed.
Unforgiveness is fed. Likewise, joy, gratitude, love, and compassion are all
fueled by our thoughts, words, choices, and actions. When experiencing repeated
negative emotions; I ask myself: what am I doing that is feeding this
cycle? How can I stop that and instead
begin to fuel the desired response?
16. Innocence can
be restored! Even the most tragic circumstances can be redeemed.
17. Regret is
toxic! Regret expands the pain of the past and erodes hope for the future. Work
through places of regret. Forgive yourself and live from your past into your
future with hope.
18. Beauty can be cleansing. It reminds us of restoration, possibility and divine order. Appreciate beauty around you; in nature, in people and in creativity. Let it feed your soul. The key is to take time to notice and learn, to feel and let the outside impact you on the inside.
Favorite Questions (to ask myself):
19. Who adds hope
to my life? How can I encourage and show
them gratitude?
20. When having a
strong reaction:
what part of this reaction is about me, not the other person or the
circumstances? How can I respond better
and with less focus on myself?
21. Who are the
voices of wisdom in my life? How can I
position myself to receive more from them?
22. What do I believe
about this situation or relationship? What I believe will have a much bigger
impact than what I do, think, or feel!
23. When feeling
stuck or hopeless; what do I need to believe in order to have hope in this
situation? (thank you Steve Backlund)
24. What have I
already decided about this? Don’t’ be quick to re-evaluate what you’ve already
been convinced about.
25. “WHY?” is the most commonly asked question (by adults and children). Much insight can be gained by investigating the emotion that motivates you to ask “why”. (it is often fear) This information is of far greater value than the information you are asking about.
for Love & Relationships:
26. Love is the
truest agent of change and transformation. Love deeply – it hurts sometimes,
but it also heals. Love is worth the risk!
27. Know how you
best receive love and let yourself be loved
28. Love is a
choice, a thousand daily choices. Love is a determined choice; at times easy
and joy-filled, at other times a hard and costly choice.
29. Relationships
with strangers can have a profound impact, family is not a function of genetics
or proximity. Invest in people, develop a family – and receive love from those
who love you well. Family is a choice!
30. Multi-tasking,
while effective at times, communicates a lack of value for what you are
doing. If it is worth your time, then
take the time and do it with excellence.
31. Investing in
others makes me happy. Knowing I have something to offer. My goal is to always
be teaching and mentoring while also always being in a relationship where I am
being mentored.
32. Enjoy the times
when a friend takes a risk to be vulnerable, to share something with you. Trust
is a gift, an honor – allow yourself to receive it.
33. Celebration and
gratitude build relationships. Look for reasons to celebrate the people around
34. Honest is truly
the best policy. Kindness is key, but not telling the full truth initially
causes bigger problems down the road.
35. Comparison,
envy, and self-evaluation are all toxic to relationships and building trust.
When feeling insecure or jealous turn your mind to gratitude; the change is
quick and dramatic.
36. Insecurity is a wall that must be taken down from the inside (you/me) not by the words and love of others. We all want people to like us. But if we can’t even like ourselves, we will end up refusing the affirmation offered to us genuinely by others. A measure of self-love is required to love others and to receive love from others.
37. Risk is how we
advance and grow…take a risk, do what you feel inclined to do, even if you are
38. Intuition –
while I don’t always work out perfectly, I’ve had more regrets over not going
with my intuition than listening to it
39. Faith is
universal. We may not have faith in the same thing/person – but everyone has
faith in something! Many people have
faith in their own ability
40. The true test
of faith is when you are overwhelmed… can what you have faith in overwhelm what
threatens to overwhelm you?
41. Believe what you believe! Doubt your doubts! Don’t believe your doubts or doubt your beliefs
Regarding Parenting & Kids:
42. Parenting is an
amazing gift. It is also an enormous responsibility, a constant
teaching/learning experience, and a school of being both humbled and empowered.
Parenting is deeply rewarding, absolutely exhausting, and equally surprising.
43. Kids think
literally! Be careful what you say. I
once took my 2-year-old son shopping for a sleeping bag. He was grumpy and
defiant until I explained that I was not going to make him sleep in a plastic
shopping bag!
44. Kids teach you
constantly. I think I learn more from the questions my kids have asked me than
I teach them by answering their questions.
45. Kids want you
to play with them, not just watch them play
46. Playing
together, and laughing together builds trust quickly. This is true of building
trust with people of all ages.
47. Children ask questions for more than just the answers and not just to test our patience. They ask questions to establish their relationship with us and to see if we are listening. Answering them communicates value for their thoughts and capacity to understand and contribute. They are navigating their place in the world and want to see how we fit together.
of Truth re: People:
48. We are all
capable of both good and evil. Pressure exposes what is within us and even the
most amazing people are surprised by what can show up from within us when we
are in pressure situations. Be quick to apologize when you show an ugly side of
49. Generosity is
not limited to money. I am most impressed by those who are generous in heart
and spirit. Those who live with a high value for others and invest themselves
in them.
50. If you listen
long enough to anyone’s story, you will find a place of connection. But if you
listen so that you find the first place of connection and then take over the conversation,
neither you nor the person you are talking to will experience the reward of
connection. Listen to people – truly listen. Listening takes time, focus, and
the decision to know the person without formulating a decision or a response.
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