The Promise of Completion

Many are familiar with the amazing promise in Philippians 1:6 where Paul says He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.  I’ve read this verse countless times, quoted it, taught it, and been encouraged by it every time. But recently I was struck again by the significance of it and especially by the scope of this promise.

Paul asserts his faith that God will complete the work that He has begun until the day of Christ Jesus. In the past I have focused on how the promise is about God: it is God who began the work in people and it is God who will complete it. It is truly God’s work! Many translations use the word “perfect”; others use the word “complete”. Either way, it is on God to finish wonderfully all that He has begun. It is the final phrase of this promise that has captivated my attention recently: “Until the day of Christ Jesus”. This is the time frame of the promise, the scope of God’s faithfulness. God will be working out, completing, and perfecting all that He began until the day of Christ Jesus. I can only interpret this to mean the return of Christ! The day of Christ is when Jesus’ ultimate victory is realized, the establishment of His kingdom forever when all the saints are together in the physical presence of God.

I have full faith in the return of Christ, the full victory of Jesus, and the ultimate victory of the redemption of mankind. But it blows my mind to consider that the faithfulness of God to His work in my life extends to that day as well. The scope of God’s faithfulness to me extends beyond my life! All that has begun will continue beyond me, beyond my effort, my existence… and still, it will be in the process of being perfected, completed by the power of God.

Context is always important to consider when studying a verse in scripture. Here Paul is writing to the Christians in Philippi and encouraging them. This verse is in his greeting where he expresses that he remembers them with thanksgiving and praise to God. Paul assures them that he remembers them in prayer because he is confident of this very thing: He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.  Paul goes on the remind them that they have been partners in the gospel for a while. He is establishing the connection they share in both faith in Jesus and in ministry. This context gives us a view of God’s faithfulness to our legacy. Paul is speaking to what God has done in him and through him in connection to the people he is writing to. It seems that Paul has faith that God will continue and extend His work in that connection for all eternity.

The same is true for us. Do you consider how what God is doing in you and through you now will impact generations after you? Even when we can no longer contribute, even when we are dead, God's purposes in our lives will be continued. His faithfulness knows no limitations. His view is of eternity and there is no end to His plan for you and me.

We see such a small piece of time and still, we can struggle to believe and trust this promise. It is God’s plan and work in my life. It is His power at work in me that produces fruit. His faithfulness completes all that is in His heart. 

The scope of that faithfulness is eternity! 


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