
I wonder what it is like to be a seed

All that potential locked up deep inside

Waiting quietly –  A secret

Multiplied growth – Enormous potential

A concentrated time capsule

Years of growth – Seasons of Fruitfulness

Determination – Destiny    Longevity

Held captive for now

Waiting    Longing    Safely Stored Away

Time –  Water    Planting    Tending

The seed waits!

But even before it even looks alive   Life is there hidden within


The mighty oak – held within the hard confines of an acorn

An apple tree, boughs bent heavy with fruit secreted away in a small smooth seed

A towering Redwood drops tiny seeds to the forest floor – unimpressive & hard to find

I’ve neven seen the seed that will produce a rose bush: multiple blooms each year

Beautiful rounds of colorful petals filling the air with fragrance and yet once it was

contained in a tiny speck blowing in the wind


I wonder what it is like to be a seed

To know who you are and what you will produce

Even before there is any sign of life on the outside

Seasons of fruitfulness live on the inside

Microscopic and unseen but ALIVE as alive could ever be

Potential    Quiet waiting    Stirring of the Depths   A root pushes down

Nourishment    Encouragement    Waking Up

The struggle to burst through the shell

And then again to force a tender but determined to push through the soil

Light – LIFE  -  Bursting Forth  -  Alive on the Outside Now

The wonder of first leaves spreading

Producing Energy – The Victory of Growth

Still the years, seasons, beauty and potential of life

Is held deep inside

In the depths of that seedling – microscopic and hidden

Are S E E D S of its future fruit

Waiting  -–  Potential –  Future Fruitfulness!


I think I know    I think I’ve tasted it

There’s still more inside of me

Dreams, untapped potential lie waiting in the depths of me

Determined life that struggles and hopes - Waits and wonders

I know what it is like to be a seed

To grow   To Bring forth Fruit

And still I carry the hidden potential of  M O R E


  1. Oh my.. I sense the same anticipation of the seeds that are deep inside me. I await the bursting of my potential to come forth, to come alive in the entire portion that has been created for me❤️

    1. Yes, exactly! I agree with your faith to experience the fullness of what God has for you!


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