"Colors of My Soul" my 30 year old poems
I started college in 1992 and also met the man I would marry that year. It was a time of growth and transformation for me. I was processing a lot of pain and doing the inner work of defining myself outside of the trauma I had experienced in high school. During my first year of college, I began to pursue God and found inner peace and healing to depths I had not previously believed were possible. All the while, my future husband and I were becoming good friends. I journaled a lot in those days and also wrote poems. I used poetry to express my hopes, fears, and dreams. My poems from those days were often directed to God.
One thing I did in my fifth and last year of college was to collect all the poems I could find that I had written and assemble them into a homemade book. I titled it "Colors of My Soul" and made a cover with watercolor prints of leaves. I gave the book as a gift to my fiancé. We began dating during my fourth year of college and married the summer following my graduation. Only a couple of the poems in the book were written for him. I wanted to give them to him as a symbol of trusting him with all of who I was and who I was still becoming. Some of them were rather "dark", full of sadness, pain, and doubts. Others were much more hopeful and full of life. Still others showed the choice or transition between the two.
Today I'm looking back and sharing a few of these poems from my past.
October 30, 1993
He isn't telling me to fight
He's not waiting for me to figure things out
He is waiting for me to seek him
to want him
to need him
He is waiting for me to reach up my hand
lift up my face
to see him
to want him
He will pick me up
He will carry me
He will guide me
and with Him we will win
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