Provision that Precedes Need

I have been captivated by a little section of the narrative in John’s gospel. Chapter 21 includes the testimony of Jesus manifesting Himself on the shore and providing His disciples with a miraculous catch of fish. This takes place after the death and resurrection of Jesus and, in John’s record, it is the final time they saw Him before He ascended into heaven. John tells us that a group of the disciples had gone out fishing and, while they fished all night long, they had caught not one fish. At dawn, as they are coming in, they see a man on the shore and he calls to them. John clarifies at this point that they did not yet know that the man was Jesus. The man’s words point out that they have been unsuccessful; “ you do not have any fish, do you?” John 21:5. The disciples confirm that they have caught nothing. The man instructs them to put the net out once more on the right-hand side of the boat. He promises that if they do, they will find a catch. The disciples obey and haul in...