Born for Faith


Faith is something.            It is no small thing.            It is not nothing

Faith doesn’t just lead us to something, or give us access (although it does!)

But the faith,           on its own,               it is something too.

Faith has its own reward.            Faith is substance.             Faith is real.

When there is none – you feel the absence of it.       You feel the empty void.

That frightening place of uncertainty –

where questions outnumber answers 1,000 to 1

Where hope and joy are sucked out of the atmosphere by a vacuum of fear,

You feel it when there is no faith.


Yes, faith is something

It may not be as good as when you can hold the thing you once had to have

faith for,   or stand on it,      or in it,       or look at it,             or kiss it

When faith is answered and that thing you once believed for, is now

realized  -  faith looks small

But faith is the reason that you keep going, keep believing and hoping

Faith is the momentum of walking and trusting and knowing the things that are

true but not yet proven on the outside of you.


Faith IS something.

Sometimes -  faith is everything.

It can fill your chest ‘till you think you’ll burst from the power of it.

It makes you bold and wild  where your prayers have wings and bright


Faith pulls you into God -  but also deeper into yourself, how you were

created          Into the truest         Deepest you.

When you feel your faith fill the room, so that your former worries seem puny and

your questions captivate you no more …  You mine the depths of your faith.

Your eyes scan the horizon before you and you feel hope rising on the inside.

You are stronger than you knew…

But deep down you always wondered if maybe it was true:

That you were born for faith and faith was made for you!


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