Wait with Hope


Waiting can be hard. We all have to wait for things, and often these times are marked by frustration, doubt and uncertainty. Recently I have been challenged to better manage my thought-life in times of waiting. I want to offer some practical strategies for easing the discouragement of waiting.

Fiercely go after any place where you are tempted to think “if”

·       If things change… If God shows up….. If the questions get answered

·       Thinking in terms of “if” breeds uncertainty and discouragement.

·       When you focus on doubt – it only increases.

Intentionally exchange the word “when” for “if”.  This simple switch is SO powerful. “When” builds hope and anticipation, it focuses your attention on the future and the expectation of change. So often when we wait, we are looking down and filling our mind with what is not changing, what is not working or only what we are waiting to experience. When you focus the future with hope you begin to build faith and you become increasingly encouraged.

An excellent example of this is found in Psalm 130.  Verses 5-6 say this: “I wait for the Lord, my soul does wait, And in His word do I hope. My soul waits for the Lord. More than the watchmen for the morning; Indeed, more than the watchmen for the morning.”  Consider how a watchman would wait for the morning. They are not waiting to see “if” the sun will rise; they know it will rise! They are waiting to see the moment that it does rise!  Perhaps the Psalmist is thinking of how, for the watchmen, the dawn means the end of their shift on the wall. Perhaps it is the anticipation of a change in difficulty. Watchmen on a walled city would be keeping watch for invaders, threats or danger. Certainly, that becomes easier with the light of day. We can choose to think in terms of “when” instead of remaining in the doubt and uncertainty of “if”.

Combat the questions and fears that lead to discouragement by focusing on what you believe to be true.

·       Recall the times that you were waiting and things changed suddenly.

·       Remember the times that now as you look back, you see that circumstances really did shift and change.

·       Rehearse the truths you believe about yourself, God and circumstances. Find scriptures and examples in your own life of why you believe those truths.

Remembering the times when your waiting season was rewarded or ended will bring encouragement and strength to your current time of waiting. When you shift your focus from your circumstances to your beliefs, you are reminded that you are not solely dependent on yourself. These are a few of the beliefs that encourage me when I am discouraged by waiting:  I believe God is making a way. I may not see it or know how yet, but I believe that He will reveal it to me when it is time to move forward. I believe that God is at work, even in the season of waiting or stillness. He can bring purpose to it and cause there to be blessing. I believe that God sees me, knows me, cares about me and is providing for me. It may not be in all the ways I would wish, but I can always find ways that His goodness is evident in my life. 

Intentionally change your focus to something encouraging.

Just because you are frustrated by waiting in one area of your life, doesn’t mean that it needs to dominate your time and thought life. You are not a victim to your own thoughts. You can choose to focus on somethings else. Often turning towards gratitude will bring a radical shift in your encouragement level and mood. When you focus on what you are grateful for, or how you are currently growing, you realize that not all of your life is in a season of waiting. You may feel like you are treading water in one aspect of life, but it is not universally true. Sometimes we forget that and so it is so helpful to have some questions to re-focus your mind and attention.

·       Which areas of your life are going well?

·       Where are you advancing, learning & growing?

·       What can you be thankful for in this current season?

I need to remind myself from time to time that who I am is separate of the circumstances of my life. Life may feel like a mess of chaos and uncertainty. But that doesn’t make me a mess! I am more than what I am facing, doing or being challenged by! Often, we tend to allow discouragement to spread from one area of life to another, or even every area. The same can happen with encouragement! When I focus on the areas of my life that are going well, I remember that I am learning, growing and becoming. I am far from perfect, but I have also come a long way and I’m no where near the end of my potential!  Saying these things to myself brings courage and motivation.

Bring purpose to your season of waiting.

We still need to live while we wait! If we can find purpose in the midst of waiting, it becomes easier and less frustrating. We still may want the season of waiting to end, but if we can find a purpose in the midst of it, we can take comfort in that and what is being produced within us.

·       What are you learning during this time?  How can you grow?

·       Who do you turn to for companionship and support?

·       What aspect of your character is being strengthened?

·       Find some good symbolism or imagery to use for encouragement and assurance during the time of waiting.

Sometimes I feel like I am just standing still, instead of moving forward. In those times I sometimes find ways to celebrate “standing”. I may not be advancing, but I am not losing ground either! I focus on that and encourage myself that I will not retreat or give up. I focus on the strength required to stand. I think of a well-rooted tree that stands strong in the midst of a storm and does not fall.


You may be waiting now, but it is not a permanent season. Chances are it is not pervasive over every area of your life. You are also growing and becoming stronger! You are well on your way! You have things to be thankful for, places of celebration and joy. You are equipped and empowered and you are not alone!

You can change the way that you wait… You can wait with hope!


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