The Reward of Gratitude


We feel gratitude, but it is more than an emotion. I believe that gratitude is a choice and when it is an intentional and repetitious choice, it becomes a lifestyle. A lifestyle of being thankful and expressing that gratitude has numerous rewards!

               Gratitude is a choice - a disciplined perspective deeper than feelings

and unmoved by circumstances.

Gratitude is anchored in truth

When we acknowledge what we are grateful for, it anchors us more deeply than the current circumstances. Much of our life may seem out of control and constantly changing. Focusing on what we have to be grateful for can train our eyes and minds to look for those things that are deeper, more constant and dependable than the daily changes of circumstances and feelings. Truth anchors us and gives us a sense of identity, security and stability.

Gratitude reminds us that we have a source beyond ourself.

Gratitude builds faith

Gratitude supports humility - focusing our gaze outward and upward

Gratitude creates honor

Gratitude is often aimed at a person, God or some sense of source outside of yourself. I am grateful to God, because I believe that all goodness and blessing in my life is a direct result of His love and good will towards me. I am grateful to others for the ways that they impact my life, and yet even in that, I am also grateful to God, believing that He has caused my life to intersect with those who are a blessing to me. A disciplined focus on what I am grateful for will increase my faith that God is in fact intimately involved in my life; knowing, anticipating and meeting both my needs and desires. Relationally within my family and community, gratitude strengthens relationships by sowing honor and value.

Gratitude extinguishes selfishness - training our eyes to value

the contributions of other

Gratitude increases unity

None of us is truly self-sufficient or self-reliant. We need, rely on and enjoy one another. Expressing gratitude for the ways our lives impact one another builds relationship and connection. To express gratitude to those around you reinforces the ways that strength and unity connects you to your community. Safety, honor and unity are increased by expressions of gratitude and love.

Gratitude erodes hopelessness - reminding us of what is true in the midst of adversity

Gratitude upholds hope

We all face seasons of challenge and hardship. When our choice is to remain grateful despite the ways we are stretched, we have increased hope and strength with which to grow in the midst of adversity. Gratitude, as stated above, trains our focus to be outward and this fosters a growth mindset. In the midst of hopelessness, the focus on growth and becoming, rather than simply surviving, is a big motivation. In this way the discipline of expressing gratitude is powerful against the increase of hopelessness.

Gratitude grows! The more we acknowledge what we are thankful for, the more we see all that we have

Gratitude brings joy

Expressing what you are grateful for will spread the mindset and practice of being thankful within your life as well as in the lives of those around you. The more you express what you are thankful for, the more you will notice things to be thankful for. You will begin to recognize the good in every area of life. The difficulties still remain and you will see those too, but when you  are focused on being thankful you will have hope and strength to respond to the places where you are being challenged. Gratitude increases joy and joy builds strength!




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