Vignettes: "Friend" , "Tension" & "My Child"


I wish you wings – to carry you high and far
        A new perspective
        Soar my friend
        Fast and Free
I wish you a safe place to land
        A place to rest
        Air to breathe deeply
        Clean and cool
I wish you friends to share the journey
        To sing with you each morning
        Rest close by in the evening light
Soar free my friend
        And let me hear your song
I am listening for you
    You can feel happy and sad at the same time
    You can be full of hope and enthusiasm in one area of life
    Yet discouraged and profoundly unmotivated in another
    You can love someone that you are angry with
            Life is full of tension
            You feel the full range of emotions
            And you choose which emotion will lead your action
    That choice is powerful
    ….with endless results!
                My Child
The light in your smile
    Your laughter like music
    Your wonderings and creativity
I watch you grow, discover, learn and become
        I hold you close
        I set you free
        I remember
        I dream
There is no measure to what your life has given to me


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