

A glimmer of light ahead in the darkness

I walk towards it

Steady and sure – the light calls me forward

Through the fog of mystery

I may not see the path laid out before me

But I find each step as I fix my gaze on the hope ahead

All my questions are not answered

Uncertainties swirl at my feet

And doubts reach to entangle me

Hope is there

It is faint, but sure; unwavering

The light that calls me through this dark fog

I am faith walking boldly toward this light I see in the midst of darkness

I will not wait for all the questions to be answered

For the path to be ordered and well lit

I am faith moving forward into hope

In the swirling questions, in the doubts that reach out

I find my next step in you

and as I move I find the security of you being at my side.

I am in darkness but I am not alone

You are the light of hope ahead of me

You are the strength inside of me

My companion in the darkness


I am faith moving with you, into the light of hope

Now I see that the light of hope is also within me


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