When Faith is Just a Whisper

Sometimes faith is bold and unstoppable, defiant even. Like young David marching up to the giant Goliath holding his stones and sling. His faith determined a victory that seemed impossible. Other times faith is subtle, quietly advancing and apprehending the reward. I think we are conditioned to prefer bold acts of faith and tend to diminish the times when our faith results in actions that could easily go unnoticed. 

Jesus commended the faith of the woman who secretly pushed through the crowds of people that surrounded Him. She believed that if she just touched the edge of Jesus’ clothes, she would secure the physical healing she desperately needed. Her’s was a faith both quiet and bold. It was bold for her to be in the midst of the crowd, for she was breaking the religious laws of cleanliness. But she was also acting secretly, keeping her faith and its actions to herself. It was Jesus who called her out and without the resulting conversation, her story would likely have gone unknown and unrecorded.

I have had times of strong surging faith where I was convinced and unstoppable. I have also acted on the faintest of whispers of faith. Sometimes my faith has screamed with certainty; “I know this is what I am meant to do!” and other times where the words of my faith were tentative and speculative; “I wonder if God is in this?”. My experience in both, and all the range in-between, has taught me that taking the step, to act on faith, is the key. No matter how big or bold, whether seemingly small or insignificant, faith is hunger, faith is risk and it is always rewarded! It is not the “amount” of faith or even the “strength” of it that matters most. I find it is the decision to act that is key. In stepping out in faith there comes an increase that fills any void and ushers in a measure of victory.

Faith is an expression of action or decision, based on one’s personal beliefs. When you take action based on your values and convictions; that is faith! While faith is deeply personal, it can be demonstrated in both private and public ways. Not just the bold, public actions of risk demonstrate faith. Some risks are undetectable to others, yet are results of great faith and quiet boldness.

I find that the greatest reward of faith is increase. Faith grows and spreads quickly. When you act in faith in one area of life, it will increase faith in other areas as well. Just as the demonstration of faith may be public or private, the reward may also be witnessed and known to others, or go quietly unnoticed.  

Recently I witnessed a friend of mine take the risk of leading a song during our worship service for the first time. It was a risk; it took courage and faith. He had sung with the team previously, but this was different. His voice was the one leading, alone at first, until others joined in. This was a public step of faith. He is gaining confidence and boldness. There has been a reward for his risk. 

I have another friend who is navigating a tricky situation, advocating for her worth and asking to be appropriately compensated. The outcome is unsure, but she is convinced that this is the right action and the time to take it. She is demonstrating faith in a way that is public and will have a big impact on her life regardless of what is decided. This is a situation where the outcome will impact her, her family as well as those she works for and serves. 

A third example is of a new friend who is taking a risk that only she and a couple of other people even know about. It is a very private step of faith, and others may think of it as small and inconsequential. But, because I know what is at stake, and the enormity of what she is overcoming to take this step, I see the boldness and radical faith she is acting on. 

Faith starts where you are and moves you into action, believing in a better outcome. Faith is an expression of what you believe, what you value and hold dear. It is a hunger for something greater than what you currently experience, and you take the risk to believe that it can and will be yours one day.

Big or small, private or public, dramatic or unnoticed – faith is beautiful to witness and experience.


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